Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Beganing of the End

After his victory in Amara, Nixion decided to push foward, sending his troops futher into the Ottoman Empire. He quickly cleaned up with victories in Nasiriyeh (June 27, 1915), and Kut-Al-Amara (September 18, 1915); but the British luck stroke finally ran dry on the battle of Ctesiphon (November 2, 1915). With great pride in his work, Nixion ordered the attack upon the Turkish outpost in the ruins of Ctesiphon. Townshend, who was appointed leader, asked to wait for re-enforcments, but Nixion was to blind with pride to wait. His pride would soon lead to a devestating defeat. Upon approaching Ctesiphon, Townshend met heavy resistance as the new Turkish leader (Nur-Un-Din) and his forces created a trench defense outside of Baghdad. Unable to call for re-enfocments, and with the immense amount of Turks near the area, Townshend was forced to fight incredible odds. With no extra troops, Townshend was forced to play defense, as he was forced back to the captured city of Kut. With this outstanding victory, the Turkish troops where ready to push foward, and re-take their land.

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